The University’s Code of Conduct reflects Brown’s values of integrity, honesty, and fairness and “is a shared statement of the individual and collective commitment of members of the Brown community to upholding the ethical, professional and legal standards we use as the basis for our daily and long-term decision-making and actions.” In instances where employees feel this code is not being upheld, the University strongly encourages them to discuss concerns with their immediate supervisor, chair, relevant dean, or Human Resources Business Partner as a first step.
If an issue cannot be resolved in this manner, employees may use the information below to determine where to report their concern. Faculty, staff, graduate students, medical students, and postdoctoral scholars may also consider contacting Brown's Ombudsperson to confidentially discuss their concerns and determine if they would like to proceed with a formal complaint or report. To contact the Ombuds Office, call 401-863-6145 or email
Brown's Non-Retaliation Policy prohibits retaliation against employees who make good faith reports to the University.
Please note: Union represented employees always have the right to talk with their Union representative.