University Human Resources

January Bear Jamboree

The January Bear Jamboree is a festive Learning, Development & Engagement networking event filled with networking opportunities, games, prizes and refreshments. Connect with colleagues you don’t always get to see or to make some new connections across campus. This event is intended to allow staff to unwind, warm up, and be in community together before the new semester is in full swing.

Back by popular demand! The Office of Learning, Development, and Engagement is thrilled to be hosting the January BEAR Jamboree once again. Make sure to register and save the date for this special staff networking event.

Date: January 22, 2025
Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: South Street Landing, 4th Floor Cafe, Conference Rooms, and Multipurpose Room

Get ready for a festive afternoon filled with networking opportunities, games, prizes, and refreshments! This is a chance to connect with colleagues you don’t always get to see or to make some new connections across campus.

Staff enjoying the January Jamboree

Scheduled Activities

Take a few moments to meet some new colleagues in this round-robin style networking activity. Participants will have 3 minutes to talk with a new colleague before rotating to the next person. A great opportunity for fresh connections. Some icebreaker questions will be provided.

Tams of 4 will go head-to-head to see who truly knows the most about Brown University. Prizes will go to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placing teams.

Sit down with friends and colleagues to play a great board game or two. Choose from a selection of games such as Ticket to Ride, Clue, Scrabble, Connect Four, and so on. Card decks will also be provided for anyone who wants to play some classic games like poker, blackjack, or cribbage.

Want a quieter space to have conversations and break the ice? We will have two conference room spaces designated for folks who want an alternative to speed networking. Materials and questions for icebreaker questions will be provided.

For anyone who wants to play a few rounds of Mario Kart, Mario Party, or another Switch-based party game. Challenge friends and colleagues to see who the best player truly is!

All guests will receive two raffle tickets for attending the event. Raffle tickets can go toward any of the five themed raffle baskets that will be up for grabs.

More images of staff attending the Jamboree


The following committees will be in attendance:

  • Staff Advisory Council (SAC)
  • University Rainbow Staff Alliance (URSA)
  • Parent Networking Group
  • Being Black at Brown
  • Project Management Community of Practice
  • Office of Sustainability and Resiliency

There will be opportunities for new and current staff to learn more about staff-led committees that are doing incredible work within the campus community.

Staff members oplaying Jenga and speaking at the event

Registration and Parking

If you are interested in joining us on January 22nd, please register for the event via Workday. If you have any questions or need assistance with the registration process, feel free to email

Attendees driving or carpooling can pay to use the SSL garage or opt for nearby street parking.

Staff playing a card game and networking at the event