University Human Resources

Temporary Employees: Seasonal/Intermittent

Seasonal/Intermittent workers are hired in Workday.

Criteria for hiring in this job classification include:

  • The person in this position will work less than six months on an annually recurring basis; or,
  • The person in this position works a regular schedule of 12 hours/week or less for any number of months; or,
  • The person in this position does not have a regular schedule or works a very part time schedule on an as-needed basis.

Hiring Process Guidelines

  • Develop a job description for this position and forward it to University HR-Compensation Services for grading.
  • Complete the Create Position and Create Job Requisition business processes in Workday using the Seasonal/Intermittent sub-type. Enter end employment date of the work need for this cycle to hire.
  • Terminate employment at the end of each work cycle for recurring employees.
  • If former employee returns for next work cycle, no new recruitment process is required:
  • Use reason code Rehire/Reactivate Seasonal Employee to initiate and approve, indicating reactivation of the former incumbent.
  • Employee is not required to complete new I-9 or background check if returning from the previous work cycle.
  • If there is a break in service or work cycle where employee does not return, a new I-9 and background check are required.
Seasonal/Intermittent Employees Benefits and Compensation Checklist
Benefits eligible? No
Purchase Brown benefits? No
Participate in retirement? Yes, but no employer match
Sick and Safe Leave? Yes, eligible for 7 hours after 5 months of employment
Annual merit increase No, but may be considered for increase outside of merit process
Performance review? No