University Human Resources

Wellness Rewards

Wellness Rewards is a voluntary wellness incentive program designed to help you learn more about your personal health, motivate you to maintain or improve your overall well-being, and earn a taxable incentive payment of $150-$250 or a membership to the Nelson Fitness Center or a program fee voucher for select Mindfulness programming through the School of Professional Studies.

All benefits-eligible faculty and staff working 50% time or greater may participate in Wellness Rewards. If your spouse also works at Brown University, you are both eligible to participate as individuals. 

If you are uncertain as to whether or not your position is benefits-eligible, please contact us at

2025 Wellness Rewards

Complete tasks between January 1 and December 31, 2025.

Complete a confidential Health Assessment (HA)*$50
Complete a voluntary tobacco free status affidavit$25
Complete an onsite wellness program or online podcast/pre-recorded presentation through UnitedHealthcare**$25
Complete one Wellness Journey in the portal$25
Participate in one Wellness at Brown sponsored financial wellness onsite program, Financial Tuesdays retirement plan consultation, or online Financial Well-Being podcast through UnitedHealthcare**$25
Participate in one Wellness at Brown sponsored fitness program$25
Reach the final destination/spotlight goal in a Wellness at Brown promoted portal challenge
Portal Challenges taking place in April, August/September, and November 2025
Track Promoted Healthy Habit Challenge (PHHC) 5 of 7 Days
Upcoming PHHCs: January 13-19, February 10-16, March 10-16
Max $50 ($10 each)
Obtain an annual physical exam$25
Obtain an annual dental exam$25

*Biometric screenings (blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.) are required to complete the HA. Brown University does not receive any individual information, but does receive aggregate information.

**Make sure to complete the UnitedHealthcare Seminar Completion Form to receive credit for podcasts.

Wellness Rewards program overview

Rewards Deadline: December 31, 2025

Taxable incentive payments will be added to a late January 2026 paycheck. Nelson Fitness Center memberships and School of Professional Studies program fee vouchers will be effective in February 2026.

Wellness Rewards Options

For participants who reach $250 in Wellness Rewards, you will be able to elect one of three Rewards options!

  • A taxable cash incentive payment of $250 
  • A 12-month membership to Nelson Fitness Center
  • A program fee voucher (value $300) that can be used towards a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction or Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy course offered by the School of Professional Studies. Please note, you will be responsible for any balance remaining after the voucher is applied towards the program fee.

Employees who earn the minimum of $150 but less than $250 will receive a taxable cash incentive payment.

Receiving Payment

Your taxable incentive payment will be added to a late January 2026 paycheck. Nelson Fitness Center memberships and School of Professional Studies Mindfulness program fee vouchers will be effective in February 2026.

Note: You must be employed by Brown at the time of payment to receive your taxable incentive payment. The minimum taxable incentive reward is $150 and the maximum taxable incentive reward is $250.

Frequently Asked Questions

Health Assessment (HA)

This voluntary, confidential online questionnaire creates an individualized health report for you, indicating your healthy behaviors and showing where you may want to improve.  Brown University does not receive any individual information. Your information is confidential and only you can see your results. Brown will receive an aggregate report with non-indentifiable data at year end. Biometric screenings are required in order to complete the HA.

No. You may choose whichever tasks you would like to complete to receive Wellness Rewards.

Biometric screenings are a series of health tests (blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol) which provide baseline data and insight into your overall health which then determine risk levels for certain diseases and medical conditions.

  1. Your primary care physician
  2. Wellness at Brown “Know Your Numbers” campus screening events, announced through Today@Brown
  3. The annual Benefits/Wellness Fair


Wellness Programs / Fitness Programs

Wellness and fitness programs are identified as such on flyers and program announcements. In addition, they are identified by a specific image on the Wellness Offerings web page:

Wellness program icon

Wellness program

Financial program icon

Financial program

Fitness program icon

Fitness program

view current onsite wellness programs

In addition to onsite programs at various times of day you may also choose to complete any of the UnitedHealthcare United at Work Podcasts. Simply print this certificate of completion and interoffice mail it to Box 1879 or email it to

On your portal dashboard, select "Health" from the menu bar at the top, then select "Journeys."

The program is designed so that you have options to earn up to the maximum taxable incentive payment of $250.

Onsite program task credits will automatically be uploaded into the wellness portal.  Please allow up to 5 weeks processing time for program participation/rewards to populate.

  • Benefits/Wellness Fair
  • Blood Drives
  • Challenges in the wellness portal that are not official Destination Challenges or promoted Healthy Habit Challenges
  • Flu Clinics
  • Gym Memberships
  • Weight Watchers

Annual Physical / Dental Exams

If you have health or dental coverage through Brown University with Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), United Healthcare (UHC), or Delta Dental, your well visit claims will automatically upload into the wellness portal. Please note, your credit population may be delayed due to claims processing time.  In the interim, you have the option to self-report your visit. To do so, select the Rewards page in the wellness portal and then click on "Annual Medical Exam" or "Annual Dental Exam" to access the self-report form.

Employees not covered by a Brown University health and/or dental plan will need to enter information about your well visit or dental visit into the portal. To do so, on the Rewards page in the wellness portal, click on "Annual Medical Exam" or "Annual Dental Exam" to access the self-report form.