University Human Resources
Leadership Development
The Leadership Certification Program (LCP) provides new and existing leaders with the skills necessary to effectively lead at Brown. The LCP is open to all managers who have at least 1 full-time direct report. All newly hired and promoted managers are automatically enrolled in the program and are encouraged to begin within six months.
Leading From Where You Are (LFWYA) helps individual contributors develop the skills necessary to lead from within their current position.
The Management Essentials Program is a comprehensive learning initiative aimed at equipping our managers with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective leadership in today's work environment, including the knowledge and skills needed to cultivate engaged and productive teams.
Digital Badges and Credentials
Brown has partnered with Credly to offer you a digital version of your credentials. Representing your skills as a badge gives you a way to share your abilities online in a way that is simple, trusted, and can be easily verified in real-time. Earn badges by graduating from Brown's learning programs.